Thursday, January 18, 2007

keeping the ball rolling....

Well, I am done moving, thank (insert favorite deity here). What a pain in the ass. I guess when all is said and done, I should have never left in the first place, but live and learn, live and learn....

Lets start with the vitals. 183. Getting closer by the pound. I'm starting to see the work paying off. I see my shoulders getting more tone and defined, as well as my arms. My legs....When I get some sun on them and they get a little tan.... Oh, baby :) I have bumped my cardio workouts up a couple notches to break yet another plateau. I only lost a total of about ten pounds in December, so far, In January, I've lost 7.

My best friend asked for some pictures, so I emailed him a few. Of all the people that know me, his opinion and support mean more to me than anyones. He told me I looked amazing and that I also looked younger.....Now thats one I like! My face does have a much less round shape to it.

The place I normally go to get my hair cut, the one guy I always see in there even noticed I have dropped a lot of weight.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

this link has some good truth to it...

Read the above article. Comprehend said article. Truisms abound. I was told by my doctor 3 years ago he was concerned about my weight. He gave me a trainers card. I went to the trainer. 300 bucks a month, just for the trainer. I simply did not make enough money to afford that. $300.00 was my car payment. I finally had to decide what was more important. Oh, trust me, by far, the best investment you will ever make is in your physical well being. It helps many many different aspects of your life. You have to decide on your own though, not another soul on this planet can do it for ya.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy friggin New Year!

Boy, when I said my posts were getting few and farther between, I wasn't kidding... dayum. I must be more concerted in my efforts to document this stuff!

December was a hard month all the way around for me. I started off by missing a week of going to the gym because I was on vacation. All well and good. I maintained the 200 mark. Ah, but then, this is December. The whole month is filled with people trying to get you to over indulge. I did pretty good with that. I did go a little overboard during the xmas party at work, but that was just too good to pass up. Yummy.... but I kept it within reason. My main problem was the gym closed for xmas, and New Years. On Xmas, for two friggin days. Uh, Hi, I have a routine, thanks! That, and damn, with everyone gone from work, I was working odd ass shifts, I didn't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt! I know I need to not let my body get into routines, because the plateaus stay around longer if your body gets used to what you are doing, but I need some regularity with when I go, so that I know that I am going to get a good, long, effective session out of it.

Before Mister Mario Left, he got me on the treadmills, now I think I am becoming addicted to running as well. I just need to go get a good pair of shoes so my body doesn't hate me every time I land. I know the treadmills have a shock absorbing system, but dayum kids, it still hurts the feet.

I am now fully committed to getting this next 30 lbs off. I'm at 190 right now. This is not a part of my New Years Resolution, just a renewed energy will be put into it, now that this whole holiday season bull shit is behind us, and I can focus on what really needs to be done.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The good with the bad

Our company Xmas party was on Sunday. I ate normally according to my diet plan, up until near 3:00 because I knew there was going to be Tapas style food there. I think I way over did it on the Cheese and Bread, which were really good. And I really broke down when desert came around. Lemon Meringue and some chocolate thingy. I didn't over do it, but damn, my poor body felt so bad after doing so well for so long. Not to mention the day before on my cheat day, I assaulted my stomach with Brats and Parmesan pretzel that was covered in butter. I can't wait until this month is over. I hate the holidays. Also, I have been scheduled to work several closing shifts lately, and I find that after 7 pm, I get really munchy while I am still at work. It doesn't help that I am bored off my ass because I have to wait for arrivals. This is not boding well for the diet. I have to be super controlled and try and eat healthy things. Which is really hard for me that late at night because that is when I crave fatty sugary things the most. And that is when I need them the least. I will go to the gym later tonight and check the weight and stuff. I'm prepared for nothing to have come off in the last couple of days. We will see what happens. This is after all, partly an experiment on how my body reacts do certain situations.

On that note, I have cut out milk as the way I mix my shakes. I read a few articles on how bad milk really is for you. I haven't cut out cheese and yogurt yet, but I need to find alternatives to them if I can. I want to see if I really do feel better without milk in my diet and see how my allergies and immune system react also.

I love using myself as a test bed, it's rather interesting.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

closer by the pound

To start with:

Statistics don't lie -- Americans are fat from

There's no polite way to say this: Americans are the fattest people on the planet.


This is part of why I do this now. I am not happy being part of a statistic like that.
Todays weight is 194. Getting closer. The weight is still coming off, but it is starting to level out due to the fact I'm gaining muscle, and the amount of fat I have to loose is starting to balance between the two. I don't think I will be seeing 2 and 3 pound drops in 2 days much more. On that note, Mario wants me to be starting on the treadmill, which I did a bit of today, just to get the feel of it. 45 minutes is what he is suggesting. That should be interesting to work up to, but I am game for it. I am needing a day to just chill, but I'm not sure that is going to happen between now and January. I have to move again, and that is just not making me happy. I mean, I want to go back to Richards, it is after all, home, but damn, moving all this shit again just does not make me all warm and fuzzy. Ok, I need to finish getting ready,
Tah tah for now

Saturday, December 09, 2006

another milestone reached!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, The new reduced calorie, reduced fat, increased quality, and newly repackaged.... ME! For the first time in a very, very, very long time, so long ago, I honestly can not remember, I weigh under 200 lbs. 199 was my weigh in today. To back up the weight loss, here are some other numbers:

Measurement: start: current: lost:
Shoulder: 54.5 47.5 7 inches
Chest: 46.5 42 4.5 inches
Waist: 46.5 40.5 6.5 inches
Thigh: 21.5 18.5 3 inches
R. Arm: 13 13 0
L. Arm 13 12.5 .5 inches (uh, yeah, no clue)
Calf: 17 15 2 inches
Body fat %: 34% 25.6% 8.4 %

Kiddies, Think about that last one. From 34% body fat at 240 lbs, to 25.6% at 199 lbs. Over 2/3rds of my body weight at 240 was FAT!!!!! Now, just over a quarter at 199 is fat. I still have a lot of work to do, but damn! 41 lbs of fat. That is a small child. I'm almost emotional right now.

Here is the kicker today though. I just checked in Mr. and Mrs. Goldberger. The last time I saw them here was right around the middle of October. The told me they saw me coming down the hill (keep in mind, this is right around sunset, and getting dark), and they could tell. Mrs. Goldberger told me I looked "Amazing"! Now, I'm getting a wee bit more emotional! For people who do not know me all that well to say something, was completely unexpected. It helps me keep in mind that this so totally worth it. I also thank Mario so, so, so very much! With out him, I don't think I would be anywhere near where I am right now. He has been so invaluable in the motivation department, and I learn something new every time I see him.

OK, I suppose I should return to work

I will put up some pictures in the next couple of days for comparison purposes.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

getting closer...

It appears that my posts are getting a little spread out lately. I think it's because the more I do, and the more energy I have, the less interested I am in playing on a computer. I have taken a couple of days of just rest in the last week. Saturday, I did go to the gym, but the rest of the day, I just chilled. I was wiped the hell out. Saturday night, I had to go to Charlie's little going away party, which didn't start until 10, but I made it through the night OK. I was kinda tired the next day, but made it through without getting to cranky. Went and did cardio Sunday after work. Monday, I worked 11.5 hours, but that was all right, since I am taking Monday's off from the gym anyway.
My main source of motivation is getting closer. I'm close to my goal of 200 or below before I go home Friday. I am at 203 as of yesterday. My plan is to do cardio tonight, strength training tomorrow, and get up bright and frakkin early on Friday, and do 30 minutes on the stair master before I get in my vehicle and drive to Utah. I have the power band that I bought a couple of weeks ago for the specific purpose of using while I am away from the gym. I know I probably won't get much in the way of results while I'm away, but at least I won't regress.

I can't wait to get out of this town for a few days. I need a break from the monotony, and I hope this will give me some renewed energies on my return. I have to do a lot more work to get the next 40 lbs off. The first 40 was easy. The second 40...thats going to be the stubborn fat that just doesn't want to go away. I am prepared to see the rate of fat loss decrease, but I am fine with that as long as it DOES decrease. I am starting to see mild results, such as increased tone and definition in the biceps, shoulders, and neck. I dropped my belt another notch earlier this week. I know I need to push harder and longer to get the results I want, but by damn, it will happen.

back to work now.....