Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy friggin New Year!

Boy, when I said my posts were getting few and farther between, I wasn't kidding... dayum. I must be more concerted in my efforts to document this stuff!

December was a hard month all the way around for me. I started off by missing a week of going to the gym because I was on vacation. All well and good. I maintained the 200 mark. Ah, but then, this is December. The whole month is filled with people trying to get you to over indulge. I did pretty good with that. I did go a little overboard during the xmas party at work, but that was just too good to pass up. Yummy.... but I kept it within reason. My main problem was the gym closed for xmas, and New Years. On Xmas, for two friggin days. Uh, Hi, I have a routine, thanks! That, and damn, with everyone gone from work, I was working odd ass shifts, I didn't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt! I know I need to not let my body get into routines, because the plateaus stay around longer if your body gets used to what you are doing, but I need some regularity with when I go, so that I know that I am going to get a good, long, effective session out of it.

Before Mister Mario Left, he got me on the treadmills, now I think I am becoming addicted to running as well. I just need to go get a good pair of shoes so my body doesn't hate me every time I land. I know the treadmills have a shock absorbing system, but dayum kids, it still hurts the feet.

I am now fully committed to getting this next 30 lbs off. I'm at 190 right now. This is not a part of my New Years Resolution, just a renewed energy will be put into it, now that this whole holiday season bull shit is behind us, and I can focus on what really needs to be done.

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