Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm getting there, slowly but surely

I didn't post last time I did strength training, I was too friggin tired. It was the end of a horrifically long week, and I barely managed to make it through the work out.

So, the first thing.....Doogie frackin Howser is GAY!!!! Neil Patrick Harris just came out of the closet. I did not see that one coming at all.

Ok, now that I shared that bit of surprise...... On with the show.

In two weeks, I have lost 5 inches of over all body mass. I am at 218 right now. My arms lost fat, my stretch marks are filling in on my biceps and triceps, I'm loosing fat off my stomach, my pants get a little looser every day. I have had several motivational comments made to me. One is something Brooke told me that Andy told her. First he told her that I was looking a lot better, and could tell I was loosing weight, but I was also much more fun to be around, and I had a better attitude towards life. That made me feel better than being told I was losing weight. I feel more like the old me. I wonder what I'm gonna feel like when I'm below 200. I haven't been under that since I was 16 years old. I will feel like a whole new man, I'm sure. C.J. told me last night my head looked smaller. I'm not sure how to take that one ;) Kik and I had a good long conversation, and he agrees with my dad that I sound more alive and positive.

Today, Mario kicked my but. Oh, in case your wondering, screw the name changes. I'm not going to go back and change them all, but the hell with it. We did more shoulders and back. He showed me several new things to do. We did shrugs, I think he can read minds by the way, because that is one I wanted to ask him about. Did a lot of rear deltoid, Lats, and a low back exercise on the bosu ball that really challenged my stabilization. The other one was with arms braced on the bosu ball, but up, and my feet balancing on a plank. Frickin tough, but I loved it.

I am going to cheat just a little bit tonight. It is after all, cheat night, but at least I am going to be sorta good about it. Going to go to Nello's and get a pizza. Whole wheat crust and lowfat cheese. sort of a balance there. I think.

Ok, gonna go take a power crap..... TMI, I know, but I'm the only one reading this :)

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